
Transportation Notes

Northwest lifted Thursday the Recall Advisory along with the contract-specific Realignment and Must-flow OFOs that had been implemented Wednesday on flows through the Plymouth South Constraint Point (see Daily GPI, Dec. 5). “Due to shippers’ voluntary cooperation in realigning supplies north of Plymouth, the primary firm nominations north through Plymouth have declined to a level Northwest can physically accommodate,” the pipeline said.

December 7, 2007

Transportation Notes

Northwest issued a recall advisory to shippers Wednesday and gave notice of a potential OFO and Declared Stage II (8%) Overrun Entitlement. “Net scheduled quantities have regularly exceeded the available physical capacity through the Kemmerer [WY] Compressor Station, even with the additional capacity provided by portable compression,” the pipeline’s bulletin board said. “Forward pricing does not indicate that this overscheduling pressure will decrease during the summer. Northwest has been accommodating the excess quantities by injecting gas into Clay Basin and withdrawing gas from Jackson Prairie. Heavy drafting during the first two weeks of April coupled with the overscheduling since February have depleted Northwest’s Jackson Prairie inventories.” The pipeline plans to use a portion of physical capacity through Kemmerer to realign its balancing storage gas and to move fuel gas as required. If scheduled volumes continue to exceed remaining available physical capacity through Kemererer, the OFO will be issued to be become effective next Tuesday, Northwest said. Because the potential for drafting increases during an OFO, it will concurrently entitle its system for overruns. See the bulletin board for further details.

May 10, 2001