Japan/Korea from Gulf Coast LNG Netback Price Snapshot

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Location: Japan/Korea from Gulf Coast LNG Netback Price
Jun-24: x.xxx
Jul-24: x.xxx
Aug-24: x.xxx
Sep-24: x.xxx
Oct-24: x.xxx
Nov-24: x.xxx
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Japan/Korea from Gulf Coast LNG Netback Price Description: NGI's Japan/Korea from Gulf Coast LNG Netback Price starts with prices in the Japan/Korea region, and deducts from that LNG shipping rates from the Sabine Pass to the Futtsu regasification terminal near Tokyo. The highest of our NBP from Gulf Coast LNG Netback Prices, TTF from Gulf Coast LNG Netback Price, and Japan/Kora from Gulf Coast LNG Netback Prices represents our Maximum Gulf Coast LNG Netback Price.
  • What do NGI’s LNG Netback Prices represent?

    NGI’s LNG Netback Prices aim to measure the value of LNG sold on a Free On Board basis in the U.S. Gulf Coast, or at Cove Point, MD, Kitimat, British Columbia, or Costa Azul, Mexico, by starting with the futures prices of natural gas in both Asia and Europe, and deducting LNG shipping costs from those to determine the maximum netback price at each location for the next twelve months. Find out more about NGI’s LNG Methodology & How to Read Guide here.

  • How could NGI’s LNG Netback Prices inform my business decisions?

    NGI’s LNG Netback Price, along with those included in NGI’s 12-month arbitrage curves to key markets in Asia and Europe, give an idea of how profitable it is for buyers of North American LNG to load cargoes and sell them overseas. The more profitable U.S. LNG is, the greater the demand for North American natural gas, which can have an impact on local prices as well. Access NGI’s LNG Methodology & How to Read Guide here.