Home / Historical Data Help

Historical Data Help

Historical Data User Guide

Historical Prices are available for most data series including Daily, Weekly, Bidweek, Forward, Shale, and Mexico.

Important Documentation

Make sure you're logged in!

For NGI site access, always make sure you are logged in. The login box is found at the top right-hand corner of every page on our website. It is also available in our menu located in the top left-hand corner.

Your username is the email address associated with your account, and if you forgot your password you can click here to reset it.

If you are already logged in then you will see your name where the login boxes should be. 

Video Walkthroughs

How do you access historical data?

Click on the menu in the top left-hand corner. Under “Premium Data” you will find a list of the data you are subscribed to, click the type of data you need and choose historical.

How to use the Historical Data tool…

1. Click on the box that says “select” and type in the price point you need.

2. Select the data range

3. Click “download data” and/or download a picture of the graph in the top right-hand corner.