
AGL Looking to LNG for New Supply Sources

Mindful of declining production in its traditional Gulf of Mexico area supply base, Atlanta, GA-based AGL Resources is focusing increasingly on the potential for LNG, including increased supplies from the two established LNG import terminals on the southeastern Atlantic Coast and possibilities for another import terminal on its waterfront property in an industrial area near Norfolk and Virginia Beach, VA, AGL Chairman Paula Rosput said Wednesday.

July 12, 2004

AGL Looking to LNG for New Supply Sources

Mindful of declining production in its traditional Gulf of Mexico area supply base, Atlanta, GA-based AGL Resources is focusing increasingly on the potential for LNG, including increased supplies from the two established LNG import terminals on the southeastern Atlantic Coast and possibilities for another import terminal in an industrial area near Norfolk and Virginia Beach, VA, AGL Chairman Paula Rosput said Wednesday.

July 8, 2004

Magnum Hunter on Prowl for CBM in San Juan Basin

Magnum Hunter Resources Inc., whose oil and gas activities have focused on traditional exploration in the heart of the U.S. oil patch and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, has established a new core area in the San Juan Basin, with plans to exploit an area of nearly 6 million acres through a joint coalbed methane (CBM) venture.

September 29, 2003

Magnum Hunter on Prowl for CBM in San Juan Basin

Magnum Hunter Resources Inc., whose oil and gas activities have focused on traditional exploration in the heart of the U.S. oil patch and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, has established a new core area in the San Juan Basin, with plans to exploit an area of nearly 6 million acres through a joint coalbed methane (CBM) venture.

September 24, 2003

DTE CEO Eyes Coalbed Methane Production, Potential Acquisitions

While many other energy companies are preaching the wisdom of traditional regulated utility businesses and shedding non-core assets, DTE Energy has its eye on expanding several nonregulated operations that could help make up 40% of company earnings in the near future.

April 21, 2003

KeySpan Exec Says LNG’s Role in U.S. Growing in Importance

Traditional natural gas supplies will not keep pace with demand in the long term, and more U.S. companies likely will turn to the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) market in the years to come, a Northeast utility executive said in Houston Tuesday.

April 14, 2003

KeySpan Exec Says LNG’s Role in U.S. Growing in Importance

Traditional natural gas supplies will not keep pace with demand in the long term, and more U.S. companies likely will turn to the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) market in the years to come, a Northeast utility executive said in Houston Tuesday.

April 9, 2003

Western Power Rep Sees Changes in Trading Patterns & Partners

Incentives and profits for speculative trading are out, and traditional hedging and marketing centered on assets are in, according to the head of theWestern Power Trading Forum.

December 9, 2002

CPUC Looking at Southwest Gas Corp.’s Rates, Supply Buying

California regulators will hold public hearings Tuesday and Wednesday in the mountains and high desert region about 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles as part of an investigation into the skyrocketing natural gas prices last winter charged by Las Vegas, NV-based Southwest Gas Corp.

January 7, 2002

Earnings Don’t Tell the Story on E&P Stocks

Forecasting exploration and production companies’ stock price performance can be a real headache because it can’t be done by traditional means. According to a new Lehman Brother’s report, it turns out that the key determinants of large and small E&P company share price performance are per share growth in reserves, production and cash flow, rather than historical accounting measures, such as earnings and returns on capital.

November 26, 2001