
Texas Supreme Court Urged to Revisit Eminent Domain Decision

Industry representatives who say a 2011 Texas Supreme Court decision on the use of eminent domain could stymie efforts to build oil and gas pipelines to service growing production in the state’s shale plays are urging the court to revisit the opinion. The court could decide as early as Friday to either let its previous decision stand, amend that decision or rehear the case.

February 20, 2012

Texas Supreme Court Urged to Revisit Eminent Domain Decision

Industry representatives who say a 2011 Texas Supreme Court decision on the use of eminent domain could stymie efforts to build oil and gas pipelines to service growing production in the state’s shale plays are urging the court to revisit the opinion. The court could decide as early as Friday to either let its previous decision stand, amend that decision or rehear the case.

February 14, 2012