
Industry Briefs

Atmos Energy is planning a complete rebranding of TXU Gas Co. on Feb. 1. The Texas utility company, its customers’ bills, employees’ uniforms, vehicles, buildings, forms, stationery, pipeline markers and website will all will have the new name Atmos Energy. “We want the transition for TXU Gas customers to be smooth and transparent,” said Atmos CEO Robert W. Best. “We purposively have delayed making major changes to ensure stability in the operations and to prepare for rebranding the business under our own name.” Atmos completed its purchase of TXU Gas and began serving customers on Oct. 1, 2004. The transaction made Atmos Energy the largest gas distribution company in the nation, serving about 3.1 million utility customers in more than 1,500 communities in 12 states . TXU Gas’ operations include service to 1.5 million utility customers in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and 550 other communities across northern Texas. The company also operates one of the largest intrastate natural gas pipelines in the state.

February 2, 2005