
Anadarko Collects $850M, Plus Wyoming Prospects for Scattered U.S. Acreage

Anadarko Petroleum Corp. on Friday said it will sell about 30% of its worldwide fields — all located onshore in the United States — for $850 million in cash and interests in two oil and natural gas fields in Wyoming to a private Dallas-based producer. Although the sale involves a large amount of acreage, the assets accounted for only 4% of year-end 2003 reserves and 7% of current production.

September 13, 2004

Prices Up Again, But Futures Dips Cloud Continuation

Regional variations in upward price trends tended to even out a bit Tuesday. With scattered exceptions, nearly all points were united in seeing gains ranging from a little less than 15 cents to about 35 cents; however, the lion’s share of increases were clustered around the 20-25 cents range. The primary skewing came in most of the smaller gains being recorded in the West.

May 26, 2004

Weakness Dominates Weekend Market at Nearly All Points

With the exception of a few scattered flat to barely lower points, nearly all the market was on the same softening page Friday, showing the most unity of price movement since the previous week. Lack of heating load in many areas, the delayed impact of a bearish storage report Thursday and the demand dropoff typical of a weekend produced overall declines ranging from about a nickel to more than 40 cents but concentrated in the teens.

April 28, 2003

Prices Mostly a Bit Softer in Three-Day Holiday Trading

A Transco Zone 6-NYC spike of more than 30 cents was accompanied by scattered and considerably smaller upticks at other points Monday, but for the most part flat to moderately softer prices reigned for the Christmas holiday. Most declines were in single digits, with only the Rockies dropping by more than a dime.

December 24, 2002
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