
Industry Briefs

In an answer to a complaint filed by Niagara Mohawk EnergyMarketing that was supported by a number of other power marketparticipants, the New York ISO told FERC last week that it is aware ofthe software problems that caused scheduled power exports to berejected in early May despite being commercially and economicallyviable. The rejection caused NMEM to lose $68,000 in four hours (seeDaily GPI, June 23). The ISO said ithopes to have repairs to its export software completed bymid-July. “Accordingly, the issues and requested relief in thecomplaint are essentially moot, and the complaint should therefore bedismissed,” the ISO told FERC. “The complaint suggests that thecurrent SCUC procedures were adopted in a deliberate effort todiscriminate against exports from New York. This is not true,” theISO said. “The SCUC protocols that caused the [Niagara Mohowk] exporton May 8 not to be scheduled were the result of the implementation ofassumptions made in the software development process in favor ofpreserving reliability…”

June 26, 2000