
NERC Chief Sees Peer Pressure as Viable Tool in Reliability Compliance

Michehl Gent, CEO of the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), last Thursday said that rather than immediately start tossing out financial penalties to utilities that violate reliability standards, the industry should instead rely upon a system of “peer pressure” in order to get power companies up to snuff on reliability performance.

February 2, 2004

NERC Says Electric Capacity OK for 2000-2009

“Near-term electric generating capacity adequacy is expected tobe satisfactory in North America,” said Michehl Gent, president ofthe North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) inannouncing the release of NERC’s Reliability Assessment 2000-2009,a 77-page study of future growth in supply and demand as well asthe adequacy of the nation’s transmission infrastructure.

November 9, 2000