

RBS Sempra Commodities, the joint venture energy and metals trading business of UK-based Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and San Diego-based Sempra Energy, hired a new CEO, Kaushik Amin, who most recently spent 14 years at Lehman Brothers where he rose to head the investment bank’s trading operations. Amin will report to Peter Nielsen, global head of markets at RBS’ global banking and markets division. Amin replaces David Messer, who resigned the RBS Sempra CEO position in late March (see Daily GPI, March 26). In the interim, Sempra CFO Mark Snell and Jeremy Wright, chief administrative officer of RBS Markets, had jointly headed the commodities trading joint venture. Amin holds a mechanical engineering degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai, India, and a master’s degree in operations research and a Ph.D. in finance from Cornell University.

May 6, 2009