
Prices Surge as Major Storms Invade Much of North

It was a given that weekend prices would rise; the question was by how much. The answer: generally about 40 to 60 cents across the country, with no area left out. The Northeast led the overall advance with upticks reaching nearly a dollar.

December 8, 2003

Capitalist $$$ Invade Canadian Gas Field

Canadians are being told — by American investors on the prowlfor pieces of the action — that the North American natural gasmarket is headed for a spell of very tight supplies and they standto be prime beneficiaries. The projection emerged as a consensus ata Calgary conference billed as the mightiest assembly of financialmuscle ever held in the Canadian gas capital.

February 28, 2000

Duke’s Sawgrass Pipeline to Invade Florida

Two would go by sea, and now one would travel on land, making for three brand new pipeline projects targeting the Florida peninsula and the state’s substantial growth in power generation gas demand.

July 12, 1999

Scots Invade West with $13 B PacifiCorp Merger

While in the longer term PacifiCorp’s merger partner has notruled out possible expansions into natural gas, water and eventelecommunications, ScottishPower PLC first plans to followPacifiCorp’s renewed focus on its vertically integrated electricitybusiness in the Western U.S. The $12.8 billion merger, includingdebt assumption, which was announced early last week, still mustpass U.S. state and federal regulators, along with Australianauthorities, however.

December 14, 1998