
Attorney: FERC Posting Rule Likely Headed to Court

After FERC Thursday rebuffed challenges to its rule asserting authority over major noninterstate pipelines (intrastates) for the first time, an attorney for a major intrastate pipeline group said the case was likely headed to appellate court.

January 25, 2010

Attorney: FERC Posting Rule Likely Headed to Court

After FERC Thursday rebuffed challenges to its rule asserting authority over major noninterstate pipelines (intrastates) for the first time, an attorney for a major intrastate pipeline group said the case was likely headed to appellate court.

January 25, 2010

MO Pipe Affiliates Seek to Merge Facilities into Single Interstate

Three natural gas pipeline affiliates — a small interstate and two intrastates — have asked FERC for approval to combine their facilities to form one new interstate system to better serve the Missouri and Illinois gas markets.

July 10, 2006