
Fire Shuts Down Synfuels Plant that Feeds Gas to Northern Border

The Great Plains Synfuels plant near Beulah, ND, which is owned by the Dakota Gasification Co., has been shut down for up to seven days following a fire that damaged three boilers at the facility.

December 29, 2004

Washington Feeds on Steady Diet of Enron Disclosures

With Capitol Hill feeding reporters a steady diet of Enron Corp. stories last week, it fast became the issue du jour. Who’s kidding who, it was the only story in a town that thrives on scandals — real or imagined. In fact, there was such a rapid fire of “new” disclosures about the energy trader’s financial sleight of hand, outside auditor Arthur Andersen’s extracurricular activities, and the Bush administration’s ties and Capitol Hill lawmakers’ links to the bankrupt corporation, that somewhere along the way last week it became one big blur.

January 22, 2002

Washington Feeds on Steady Diet of Enron Disclosures

With Capitol Hill feeding reporters a steady diet of Enron Corp. stories last week, it fast became the issue du jour. Who’s kidding who, it was the only story in a town that thrives on scandals — real or imagined. In fact, there was such a rapid fire of “new” disclosures about the energy trader’s financial sleight of hand, outside auditor Arthur Andersen’s extracurricular activities, and the Bush administration’s ties and Capitol Hill lawmakers’ links to the bankrupt corporation, that somewhere along the way last week it became one big blur.

January 21, 2002