
Natural Gas-Powered Honda + Home Refueler Hits CA Market

Admittedly on a limited basis at the beginning, American Honda Motor Co., Inc., offered Californian’s a chance at a version of “energy independence,” sending out its first retail version of the natural gas-powered Civic GX sedan, combined with a new home-refueling appliance the car maker is calling “Phill” (as in “phill-er up”).

April 25, 2005

Natural Gas-Powered Honda + Home Refueler Hits CA Market

Admittedly on a limited basis at the beginning, American Honda Motor Co., Inc., offered Californian’s a chance at a version of “energy independence,” sending out its first retail version of the natural gas-powered Civic GX sedan, combined with a new home-refueling appliance the car maker is calling “Phill” (as in “phill-er up”).

April 25, 2005