
Pro-Energy Industry Films Target Gasland, Critics

Far from the oil and gas patch in a seaside annex to Hollywood, CA, independent filmmakers are working on documentaries that attempt to push back at critics of the industry. FrackNation, a pro-hydraulic fracturing (fracking) documentary under way, questions information in the controversial 2011 Academy Award-nominated Gasland, as well as creator Josh Fox, who is now pursuing a sequel.

February 13, 2012

Pro-Energy Industry Films Target Gasland, Critics

Far from the oil and gas patch in a seaside annex to Hollywood, CA, independent filmmakers are working on documentaries that attempt to push back at critics of the industry. FrackNation, a pro-hydraulic fracturing (fracking) documentary under way, questions information in the controversial 2011 Academy Award-nominated Gasland, as well as creator Josh Fox, who is now pursuing a sequel.

February 13, 2012