
Wisconsin Gas Anchors Proposed Midwest Pipeline

Despite the recent failure of multiple major pipeline expansionprojects to Wisconsin, CMS Energy, WICOR and Viking GasTransmission have come up with another one that they believe haswhat it needs to succeed, namely a signed long-term contract withWICOR subsidiary Wisconsin Gas, the state’s largest LDC, for 650MMcf/d.

December 10, 2002

Wisconsin Gas Anchors New Midwest Pipeline

Despite the recent failure of multiple pipeline expansions intonorthern Illinois and Wisconsin, CMS Energy, WICOR and Viking Gashave come up with another project they hope will finally wrest someof the marketplace from ANR Pipeline’s monopoly grip. The projectappears to have what its predecessors did not: a confirmed market.

March 15, 1999

FPL, FGT Alliance Anchors Florida Pipeline Expansion

Where there’s new power generation these days, there usually isnatural gas. And Florida will add almost 11,000 MW of power overthe next eight years, according to a recent report by the state’sutilities. Power demand is soaring in the state, particularly inthe southwestern portion, where currently there are no gaspipelines. That’s going to change soon, however.

October 5, 1998