
UBS Chief Calls U.S. Merchant Outlook ‘Challenging’

A superior credit rating and financial acumen apparently have done little to help revive Enron Corp.’s collapsed energy trading operations. UBS Warburg Energy debuted early this year after taking over the trading business. However, the Houston-based unit has failed to produce, and 10 months later, the corporation’s president admits the “business outlook is very challenging.”

November 18, 2002

UBS Chief Calls U.S. Merchant Business Outlook ‘Challenging’

A superior credit rating and financial acumen apparently have done little to help revive Enron Corp.’s collapsed energy trading operations. UBS Warburg Energy debuted early this year after taking over the trading business. However, the Houston-based unit has failed to produce, and 10 months later, the corporation’s president admits the “business outlook is very challenging.”

November 13, 2002