E Hereford/Pittsburg MidDay Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location: E Hereford/Pittsburg
Pointcode: NEAEHPITT
Region: Northeast
Avg. Price: x.xxx
Range: x.xxx
Volume: x.xxx
Deals: x.xxx
D/D Change: x.xxx
Y/Y Change: x.xxx
Want Historical Data? Check out E Hereford/Pittsburg in the Historical Data Download Tool. NGI offers Daily, Weekly, Bidweek, Forwards, Mexico, and MidDay Price Data at over 200 hubs/locations back as far as 1988.

E Hereford/Pittsburg Description: Comprised of deals transacted at the interconnection between TC Energy Mainline and PNGTS at East Hereford, CA / Pittsburg, NH.
  • What do these prices represent?

    NGI’s MidDay Alert offers an early look at where next-day natural gas spot prices are headed, several hours before final next-day prices are published in the Daily GPI. These prices are composed solely of deals done on the Intercontinental Exchange and are released as early as 2:15 pm ET.