Southern Star MidDay Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location: Southern Star
Pointcode: MCWWILL
Region: Midcontinent
Avg. Price:
D/D Change:
Y/Y Change:
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Southern Star Description: Our Southern Star index encompasses receipts within Pools 2-8 of the systems' Production Area, or stated differently, all points within the Southern Star Production Area that are south of Hesston Station in Harvey County, KS. We exclude the Rawlins-Hesston Pool (Pool #1) that runs through Northwest Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming, since we believe that is more indicative of Rockies production, along with the entire Market Area of the Southern Star system.
  • What do these prices represent?

    NGI’s MidDay Alert offers an early look at where next-day natural gas spot prices are headed, several hours before final next-day prices are published in the Daily GPI. These prices are composed solely of deals done on the Intercontinental Exchange and are released as early as 2:15 pm ET.