Merida ($U.S./MMBtu) Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location: Merida
D/D Change:
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Merida Description: We calculate or Mérida index by adding the cost of shipping gas on the Mayakan system, which includes capacity and user charges, to our Cactus index. As of the published date of this methodology, Mayakan did not impose a gas combustible charge. NOTE: We have not changed this formula since we debuted Mexico Gas Price Index in July 2017, but imbedded in this formula is the price of gas at the Reynosa/Arguelles border, and that did change in January 2022. For more information, please see the description for our Reynosa/Arguelles price location.
  • What do these prices represent?

    NGI’s Mexico prices represent the estimated cost of natural gas at locations in Mexico. These prices are calculated by taking the price of gas at U.S. locations near the U.S./Mexico border and then adding on the cost of transportation to move the gas to the destination point in Mexico.