
Canadian Producers Fight TransCanada Tolls Hike Based on Alaska Gas

Canadian natural gas producers say their Alaskan counterparts did them a favor by withdrawing the American entry from the northern pipeline race — and that they have a right to collect on it now.

January 27, 2003

Transportation Notes

Saying it was “experiencing significant linepack loss in the middle of the system while withdrawing at maximum rates from all storage fields,” Tennessee issued an OFO Balancing Alert Friday for all LMS-MA Balancing Parties with meters located in Zones 1 through 4 or in Zone 5 upstream of the Checks (Main Line Valves 245 and 321). Penalties of $15/Dth plus the applicable regional daily spot price will be assessed on shippers whose takes exceed the greater of 500 dekatherms or 102% over scheduled quantities. Penalties will not apply to customers who overdeliver into the system or undertake out of the system, Tennessee said.

January 27, 2003

Canadian Producers Fight TransCanada Tolls Hike Based on Alaska Gas

Canadian natural gas producers say their Alaskan counterparts did them a favor by withdrawing the American entry from the northern pipeline race — and that they have a right to collect on it now.

January 27, 2003
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