
These Are Trying Times for Pipe Projects at FERC

While the sheer number of pending and projected natural gaspipeline projects may be staggering, that’s not what sets themapart from projects that preceded them. Rather, the distinguishingfactor is that they’re coming at a time when the “complexity andvolume” of environmental issues and the level of landowneranti-project sentiment have reached unparalleled heights, says atop FERC official.

April 17, 2000

Rising Tide of Landowner Protests Cut Future Deliverability

While the sheer number of pending and projected natural gaspipeline projects may be staggering, that’s not what sets themapart from projects that preceded them. Rather, the distinguishingfactor is that they’re coming at a time when the “complexity andvolume” of environmental issues and the level of landowneranti-project sentiment have reached unparalleled heights, says atop FERC official.

April 17, 2000
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