
Senate Divided over Renewable Energy Mandate, Derivatives

Republican and Democratic senators Tuesday drew lines in the sand over key amendments to strike a federal mandate for renewable energy from the omnibus energy bill (S. 517), and to regulate trading of over-the-counter (OTC) energy derivatives.

March 20, 2002

Modified Proposal on Derivatives Emerges from Feinstein, Gramm Talks

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and about a half a dozen other senators plan to soon introduce a “modified” version of her amendment to re-regulate the trading of over-the-counter (OTC) energy derivatives, a spokesman for her office said Monday. This marks the second time that Feinstein’s controversial measure to the Senate omnibus energy bill (S. 517) has been revised.

March 19, 2002

Senators Say Downsized Lease Sale Still ‘Threat’ to FL

Key Senate members of the Florida delegation weren’t ready to declare a full victory after the Bush administration, in a compromise gesture earlier this week, significantly scaled back plans to allow oil and natural gas drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

July 5, 2001

GAO Launches Investigation into High Gas Prices

Responding to requests from several dozen congressmen and senators, the General Accounting Office (GAO) has launched an investigation to determine the reasons for the rise in natural gas prices over the past two years and the record high prices last winter. Although the GAO has been asked to look into supply availability, changes in demand, futures trading and the possibility of collusion or price fixing, the scope of the investigation still has not been determined, said Robert Robinson, managing director of natural resources and environment at the GAO.

May 14, 2001

GAO Launches Investigation into High Gas Prices

Responding to requests from several dozen congressmen and senators, the General Accounting Office (GAO) has launched an investigation to determine the reasons for the rise in natural gas prices over the past two years and the record high prices last winter. Although the GAO has been asked to look into supply availability, changes in demand, futures trading and the possibility of collusion or price fixing, the scope of the investigation still has not been determined, said Robert Robinson, managing director of natural resources and environment at the GAO.

May 9, 2001

Senators Warn Energy Prices Could Triple In 10 Years

If projections that overall demand for oil, natural gas and electricity will jump by 21% over the next decade are on target, U.S. energy prices could come close to tripling in just 10 years based on current supply levels, according to an analysis issued recently by Sens. Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

May 7, 2001

Senators Warn Energy Prices Could Triple In 10 Years

If projections that overall demand for oil, natural gas and electricity will jump by 21% over the next decade are on target, U.S. energy prices could come close to tripling in just 10 years based on current supply levels, according to an analysis issued last week by Sens. Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

May 1, 2001

Senators to Unveil Bipartisan Price-Cap Bill

Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) introduced last week the first bipartisan legislation aimed at restoring price stability and reliability in the western electricity and natural gas markets.

April 30, 2001

Senators to Unveil Bipartisan Price-Cap Bill

Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) will formally introduce today the first bipartisan legislation aimed at restoring price stability and reliability in the western electricity and natural gas markets.

April 24, 2001

IOGCC Blasts Call for Energy Commission

Blasting two U.S. senators’ plans to set up an energy commissionto investigate recent high natural gas and oil prices, North DakotaGov. Ed Schafer said last week the proposal would result in nothingbut finger pointing, and he asserted that there is no “quick fix”to the nation’s energy problems.

September 18, 2000
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