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Pennsylvania Could See Forced Pooling Fight

On the same day an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) panel heard Pennsylvania residents describe their worries about hydraulic fracturing in the state’s portion of the Marcellus Shale, a state lawmaker spoke out against another item near and dear to the hearts of the state’s gas producers: forced pooling.

July 26, 2010

Transportation Notes

After ending a high-linepack OFO Friday, Southern California Gas issued another one for Saturday, retaining the same 10% tolerance for positive daily imbalances.

June 1, 2010

GasMart 2010: End-User Still Waiting on NGA Reform

A lot has changed over the last year, but one thing that’s stayed the same is a disparity between the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and the Federal Power Act (FPA) that prevents gas end-users from recouping transmission overcharges the way their counterparts do on the power side, according to Dave Ciarlone, manager of global energy services for aluminum producer Alcoa Inc.

May 17, 2010

End-User Tells GasMart Attendees He’s Still Waiting on NGA Reform

A lot has changed over the last year, but one thing that’s stayed the same is a disparity between the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and the Federal Power Act (FPA) that prevents gas end-users from recouping transmission overcharges the way their counterparts do on the power side, according to Dave Ciarlone, manager of global energy services for aluminum producer Alcoa Inc.

May 13, 2010

Sub-$4 = Slow Decline in Gas Drilling, Analyst Says

U.S. natural gas drilling won’t collapse in a sub $4/Mcf world but it will decline through 2011, about the same time gas prices are predicted to gain strength, energy analysts said last week.

May 10, 2010

Industry Water Impacts Grow in Importance

Water impacts of industries, particularly energy, may take on the same importance that carbon footprints have, according to a report released last Thursday by Ceres, a coalition of investment, environmental and public interest groups. It rates 100 publicly held companies in eight industries on their level of disclosure surrounding water use and risks.

February 15, 2010

Industry Water Impacts Drawing Scrutiny

Water impacts of industries, particularly energy, may take on the same importance that carbon footprints have, according to a report released Thursday by a coalition of investment, environmental and public interest groups called Ceres. It rates 100 publicly held companies in eight industries on their level of disclosure surrounding water use and risks.

February 12, 2010

Industry Water Impacts Drawing Scrutiny

Water impacts of industries, particularly energy, may take on the same importance that carbon footprints have, according to a report released Thursday by a coalition of investment, environmental and public interest groups called Ceres. It rates 100 publicly held companies in eight industries on their level of disclosure surrounding water use and risks.

February 12, 2010

Transportation Notes

Tennessee lifted Saturday a Critical Day 1 OFO for its farthest upstream Zone 0, and ended the same OFO for all other zones Sunday.

January 12, 2010

Legislators Push for Changes to Climate Bill, Urge Obama to Action

Rather than continue down the same cap-and-trade path that “has only increased division” within Congress over climate change legislation, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) last Wednesday called for the Senate to return to the drawing board to consider other options, such as a carbon tax, which is favored by some oil and natural gas producers.

December 7, 2009
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