RNG Coalition

Natural Gas Industry Forecasting RNG Growing as Investments Climb

Natural Gas Industry Forecasting RNG Growing as Investments Climb

As policies incentivizing clean energy continue to mount, renewable natural gas (RNG) is poised for more growth, the scale of which could depend on the outcome of state and federal legislation.  The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) launched investments into alternative fuels, including RNG, in part because of the expansion of investment tax credits…

January 8, 2024
How Best to Incentivize Decarbonization? Use All-of-the-Above, Says RNG Coalition Exec

How Best to Incentivize Decarbonization? Use All-of-the-Above, Says RNG Coalition Exec

States that want to effectively adopt rules to encourage industry to reduce carbon emissions would fare well by adopting a holistic approach, according to an executive with the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas.  NGI’s Leticia Gonzales, Price and Markets Editor, recently shared a microphone with Dana Adams, the legislative policy manager for the Coalition for…

July 12, 2023