
Above Key Moving Average, Futures Bulls Find Easy Gains

Despite weather in the East more representative of early September than late October, natural gas prices pressed higher Monday as commercial fund buyers buoyed prices to levels not seen since late August. The November contract received the biggest boost, checking 12.6 cents higher to close at $2.807. The 12-month strip lagged slightly, notching a 8.1-cent gain to $3.171.

October 23, 2001

EnronOnline Market Power Under Fire

The simmering pot of market concerns regarding the market powerof EnronOnline finally boiled over in public yesterday at Chicago’sLDC Forum. A representative from EnronOnline had to fend off verbalattacks from competitors and from the audience, who criticized thesystem as giving Enron the ability to manipulate prices and provideit with an unfair advantage over competitors.

September 13, 2000


Beverly Marshall, formerly a Washington representative forSouthern California Edison, has been named vice president andgeneral manager of federal government affairs for Duke Energy.

June 3, 1999
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