
Prices Down for Day But See Late Rebound

Traders saw a down-then-up pattern in many markets Monday asprice ranges tended to remain volatile, though not as large asduring Friday’s meltdown. The ups were smaller than the downs inmost cases, leaving average prices ranging from barely softer to asmuch as a dime lower. Malin saw the greatness weakness with a fallof about 15 cents, even though weekend OFOs at the Northern andSouthern California borders had ended.

May 5, 1998

April Futures Edge Lower But Hold Support

The April Nymex contract returned to its recent habit of tightdaily trading ranges Tuesday by containing its movements between$2.295 and $2.345. That tight range only allowed April to lose 2.1cents for the day to $2.330, despite the fact that nearly 60,000total estimated contracts changed hands.

March 25, 1998
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