
Nevada Signs Marketers Despite Court Challenges

Nevada government officials are continuing to push ahead withlicensing of nonutility electricity service providers and otheraspects of restructuring the state’s power industry, despitefederal and state court challenges by the two incumbent utilitiesthat promise to delay implementation of a more competitiveelectricity market by up to 18 months.

April 27, 2000

Big IPP Calpine Tackling Gas Management

One of the nation’s fastest growing nonutility power plantdeveloper/operators, Calpine Corp., San Jose, CA, is taking ahands-on approach to building a diversified natural gas portfolioto fuel what it eventually hopes is a network of highly efficient,environmentally clean combined-cycle power plants with a collectivecapacity of 25,000 megawatts.

November 1, 1999

Calpine Expands California Power Plant, Gas Network

A new nonutility natural gas supply network and someenvironmental concessions to local agricultural interests are twonew twists to a major 500 MW merchant natural gas-fired power plantproposed for northern California in proximity to the SacramentoValley gas fields. As a result, the project sponsor, CalpineCorp., has agreed to invest an additional $20-$25 million in theestimated $300 million project to use a more environmentally benignair cooling system at the plant instead of the traditionalwater-based evaporative cooling approach.

September 21, 1998

Calpine Expands California Plant, Gas Network

A new nonutility natural gas supply network and someenvironmental concessions to local agricultural interests are twonew twists to a major 500 MW merchant natural gas-fired power plantproposed for northern California in proximity to the SacramentoValley gas fields. As a result, the project sponsor, CalpineCorp., has agreed to invest an additional $20-$25 million in theestimated $300 million project to use a more environmentally benignair cooling system at the plant instead of the traditionalwater-based evaporative cooling approach.

September 21, 1998
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