Tag / Gas




NGI Daily Price Index reported last week that Potomac ElectricPower Co. hoped to sell nearly all of its power generationfacilities — with an estimated capacity of at about 6,055 MW —for an “upside price” of about $3 million. Pepco later correctedthe figure to $3 billion. Pepco further said it hoped to narrow thefield of serious bidders to between six and a dozen by March.

February 8, 2000


In NGI’s story, “El Paso Pulls Off FTC-Required Sellathon” inthe previous issue (see NGI, Jan. 10), it is erroneously statedthat CMS Energy Corp. purchased both the Sea Robin pipeline and ashare of the Destin Pipeline from El Paso Energy. CMS onlypurchased Sea Robin whereas the Destin Pipeline was sold to anundisclosed party. NGI regrets the error.

January 17, 2000
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