
Rockies Producers Finally Enjoy Price Parity with Other Regions

Rocky Mountain region producers are enjoying a new golden age in which prices for their production are nearly equal to what producers in neighboring regions are able to bring home. Price differentials have tightened significantly because for the first time in many years there actually appears to be more takeaway pipeline capacity out of the Rockies than there is supply to fill it.

January 14, 2005

Electric Cooperatives’ Credit Looks Strong: S&P’s Says

The transmission and generation parts of vertically integrated rural electric cooperatives are enjoying strong credit ratings in the midst of the more turbulent private-sector electricity industry with its political and financial crunch. And proposed farm legislation in Congress eventually could strengthen the rural utilities’ financial positions as they enter somewhat of a generation building boom era, according to Standard & Poor’s latest analysis out of its energy finance team in New York.

June 3, 2002
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