
Industry Briefs

Those in a counting their chickens mode relative to all theplanned new natural gas-fired generating capacity waiting in thewings, might want to consider a new analysis of just how efficientthose new plants will be. Energy Ventures Analysis (EVA) ofArlington, VA reckons gas displacement by new more efficientgas-fired combined cycle units will total over 250 Bcf/year inTexas and over 100 Bcf/year in California from 2003-5. That’s notto say gas use will decline, because load growth will swallow upsome of those savings, but “the initial gas demand growth rate inthese key regions will be dampened.” The efficiency factor of theswitch to the latest turbines from older steam generation unitswill be most pronounced in those two states, but will have animpact in other areas as well. EVA’s report, “Outlook for Gas-FiredCapacity Additions,” points to 411 gas turbine projects, generating190,980 MW, which are expected to be completed, primarily betweennow and the end of 2003. Where the new units replace oil or coalgeneration, the switch will be a plus for natural gas, but incertain areas they will be replacing older gas hogs as well. EVA’sforecast is part of its “FUELCAST” study which addresses the longterm outlook for fuel and electricity markets.

August 14, 2000

Avista Targeting Growth Through Technology

Avista Corp. is counting on technology businesses for growth andsees its Internet-based bill consolidation business as the frontdoor to a nationwide marketing presence. During press briefingslast week in Houston and Washington, DC, executives outlinedAvista’s continuing evolution.

May 31, 1999

FERC’s Gas Options Plan Elusive

As of last Friday, 35 days away from the Federal EnergyRegulatory Commission’s August recess and counting….there wasstill no official sign of its promised plan to cure the gas marketof its ills. But rumors abounded that the alleged “gas options”paper has been circulated to pipelines and producers and isundergoing a variety of alterations. There also was one report thatthe plan might not, after all, see daylight until after the recess.

June 29, 1998
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