Tag / Ceos



Consolidation Predicted for Online Trading

The energy online marketplace is crowded, confused and on theverge of shaking out and consolidating, according to three whoshould know, two CEOs of successful trading platforms and a Nymexexecutive, who yesterday shared their predictions at the EnergyRiskTech Conference in Houston.

September 28, 2000

Independents See the Light at Tunnel’s End

Some major U.S. independent producers absorbed major blows tothe bottom line in the first quarter of 1999, but CEOs from thecompanies insist higher profits are right around the corner.

April 26, 1999

Independents See the Light at Tunnel’s End

Some major U.S. independent producers absorbed major blows tothe bottom line in the first quarter of 1999, but CEOs from thecompanies insist higher profits are right around the corner.

April 23, 1999
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