
Bliley Postpones Electric Bill Markup

If you made the trip to Capitol Hill or were listening over theWeb yesterday, your jaw probably dropped a few inches when ChairmanThomas Bliley (R-VA) of the House Commerce Committee announced to apacked hearing room that he was postponing the scheduled markup onelectric restructuring legislation until next week.

July 14, 2000

Senator Cautions Against Too Much Gas Reliance

Some Capitol Hill lawmakers and energy experts believe theUnited States may be setting itself for another energy crisis 10 to20 years down the road by relying to heavily on natural gas to fuelnew power generation facilities.

May 29, 2000

Senator Cautions Against Too Much Gas Reliance

Some Capitol Hill lawmakers and energy experts believe theUnited States may be setting itself up for another energy crisis 10to 20 years down the road by relying too heavily on natural gas tofuel new power generation facilities.

May 26, 2000

Senate Vows to Pass Pipeline Safety Bill

The Department of Transportation’s Office of Pipeline Safety(OPS) came under sharp attack last week on Capitol Hill, withcritics lashing out against the agency for its “poor record” ofensuring the safe operation of the hundreds of thousands of milesof natural gas and hazardous liquids pipelines that criss-cross thenation.

May 15, 2000

Tax Credits for Producers Sought on Capitol Hill

In an effort to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, Sen. KayBailey Hutchison (R-TX) introduced legislation last week that wouldoffer tax credits to domestic producers of marginal oil and naturalgas wells. Although the credits would not become effective untilthe prices of oil and gas fell significantly, they would provide asort of financial safety net to encourage marginal well producersto reopen shut-in wells in the face of a volatile market.

March 27, 2000

Tax Credits for Oil, Gas Producers Sought on Capitol Hill

In an attempt to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, Sen. KayBailey Hutchison (R-TX) introduced legislation yesterday that wouldoffer tax credits to domestic producers of marginal oil and naturalgas wells. Although the credits would not become effective untilthe prices of oil and gas fell significantly, they would providesecurity for marginal well producers facing market uncertainty.

March 23, 2000

Surprise! Producers Defend Pipelines

Although often on different sides of the fence at FERC and onCapitol Hill, major producers have rallied to defend interstate gaspipelines against allegations that painted them and other pipes asticking “time bombs.”

March 22, 2000

Midwest Power Market Wasn’t Manipulated, FERC Staff Says

Capitol Hill lawmakers, federal and state regulators and anumber of power industry representatives last week indicated thatthe results of the FERC staff inquiry into the pricing turmoil inthe Midwest power market were a vindication of their originalsuspicions. Staff proved once and for all, they said, thatelectricity restructuring was not the culprit behind the pricespike in late June, and it found nothing that smacked of marketmanipulation.

September 28, 1998

Capitol Hill Urged to Focus on Market-Power Issue

Given the recent price spikes in the Midwest and Californiaelectricity markets, a California power agency has called onCongress to take the necessary steps to rein in unleashed marketpower when it takes up restructuring legislation next year.

August 4, 1998

FERC Commissioner Massey Confirmed by Senate

In one of its speediest confirmations ever on Capitol Hill, theSenate on Friday approved by unanimous consent the re-appointmentof Commissioner William L. Massey to a second five-year term on theFederal Energy Regulatory Commission.

June 29, 1998
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