
Enron Taps Wholesale Execs To Help Lay With Strategy

Enron Corp. promoted two of the Houston company’s wholesale services veterans last week to join CEO Kenneth L. Lay in the Office of the Chairman, which sets company strategy. Greg Whalley, 39, and Mark Frevert, 46, moved to the top floor last Tuesday. Whalley, who assumes the president and COO spot, had been president and COO of Enron Wholesale Services, while Frevert, now vice chairman, had been chairman and CEO of that division. Enron Wholesale accounted for the bulk of the company’s second quarter revenue this year. All three, said Lay, will help guide the company.

September 3, 2001

PanCanadian Completes Causeway Acquisition

PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd. has completed its C$65 million (US$43 million) acquisition of Causeway Energy Corp., which has now become a subsidiary of the Calgary-based producer. The acquisition, which includes the assumption of C$4 million of Causeway debt, includes properties in northern Montana and southern Saskatchewan, including 210,000 net acres of undeveloped land. The deal was first announced in June (see Daily GPI, June 18).

August 31, 2001

Petro-Canada Plans Bypass to Skirt Tolls

Petro-Canada has become the latest natural gas producer to resort to a pipeline bypass to cut costs of transportation on the TransCanada-Nova system by ducking around its former monopoly franchise in Alberta.

August 13, 2001

Petro-Canada Plans Bypass to Skirt Tolls

Petro-Canada has become the latest natural gas producer to resort to a pipeline bypass to cut costs of transportation on the TransCanada-Nova system by ducking around its former monopoly franchise in Alberta.

August 10, 2001


Michael C. Morgan has been elected president of Kinder Morgan Inc., Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP and Kinder Morgan Management, LLC. Morgan will become the third member of the Office of the Chairman, joining Richard D. Kinder, chairman and CEO, and William V. Morgan, vice chairman. “Mike has been a core member of our senior management team since the company was formed in February of 1997, and he has demonstrated outstanding leadership and strategic acumen in spearheading Kinder Morgan’s acquisition efforts,” Kinder said. He noted KMP has made 23 accretive acquisitions totaling more than $5 billion in the past four and one-half years. Going forward William Morgan said earnings growth would “come half from internal growth and half from additional acquisitions. Mike Morgan served as vice president of strategy and investor relations from January of 2000 to the present, and as vice president of corporate development from 1997 to 2000. He previously worked in McKinsey & Co.’s energy practice and for PSI Energy, Inc.

July 20, 2001

Building Pipes is More Complicated Than Ever

Planning, developing and building natural gas pipelines over the last decade has become a difficult endeavor, filled with the risk of numerous regulatory hurdles and barriers to entry, according to a panel of transmission experts last week at GasMart/Power 2001 in Tampa, FL.

May 14, 2001

Building Pipes is More Complicated Than Ever

Planning, developing and building natural gas pipelines over the last decade has become a difficult endeavor filled with the risk of numerous regulatory hurdles and barriers to entry, according to a panel of transmission experts last week at GasMart/Power 2001 in Tampa, FL.

May 14, 2001

Barton Emergency Bill May Seek Price Probe

All power suppliers in the West could become the target of a formal FERC investigation into their wholesale rates under a draft emergency bill that is being considered by Chairman Joe Barton (R-TX) and members of the House Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee.

April 16, 2001

Texas Adopts Pipeline Integrity Rules

Texas has become the second state in the country to enact an integrity management plan for its pipelines, after the Texas Railroad Commission unanimously adopted rules last week that strengthen the safety program. So far, California is the only other state to adopt a pipeline integrity management program.

April 16, 2001

Talisman’s Petromet Deal Ups Alberta Gas Reserves

Talisman Energy Inc. is poised to become the dominant player in the growing core area of gas-rich Alberta after it set up a friendly agreement last week to purchase cross-town Calgary neighbor Petromet Resources Ltd. for C$806 million in cash and assumed debt. If the deal closes as expected, Talisman would add 72 MMcfe/d to its production base this year and 144 MMcfe/d in 2002.

April 16, 2001