
Independents Say U.S. Gas Production to Grow

The CEO of Denver-based Barrett Resources Corp. said last weekthat producers are already worrying about how they will transportfuture supplies of natural gas out of the prolific Rocky Mountainbasin and surrounding areas, and warned that they need to “step upand take some risk” in an effort to move along pipeline proposalsto do more than transport the gas regionally.

February 19, 2001

Independents Say U.S. Gas Production to Grow

The CEO of Denver-based Barrett Resources Corp. said yesterdaythat producers are already worrying about how they will transportfuture supplies of natural gas out of the prolific Rocky Mountainbasin and surrounding areas, and warned that they need to “step upand take some risk” in an effort to move along pipeline proposalsto do more than transport the gas regionally.

February 14, 2001