
Second Lease Sale Held in Yukon

About 104 square miles of virgin natural gas hunting grounds arebeing thrown open within reach of potential routes for the proposedAlaska pipeline by the Yukon Territory’s second sale in two years.Companies are being given until March 14 to bid on the parcel,which borders on two areas that Anderson Exploration Ltd. scoopedup in the first sale, which was in turn the first one held by theYukon in two decades.

January 29, 2001

Second Lease Sale Held in Yukon Territory

About 104 square miles of virgin natural gas hunting grounds arebeing thrown open within reach of potential routes for the proposedAlaska pipeline by the Yukon Territory’s second sale in two years.Companies are being given until March 14 to bid on the parcel,which borders on two areas that Anderson Exploration Ltd. scoopedup in the first sale, which was in turn the first one held by theYukon in two decades.

January 29, 2001

NEB Gives Maritimes Bypass Rights

Round one of a developing battle over Canada’s last virginmarket for natural gas has been won by the first entry, even beforeothers have a chance to set up shop. The National Energy Boardauthorized Maritimes &amp Northeast Pipeline to serve the firstindustrial customers in Nova Scotia, with a branch line thatbypasses prospective local distributors.

January 25, 1999