
Shales Spark Significant Great Plains, Texas Population Growth

Shales Spark Significant Great Plains, Texas Population Growth

The domestic oil and natural gas development boom tied to the run on shale targets has led to some surprising results in the U.S. Census Bureau population estimates released on Thursday. According to the government agency, “numerous metropolitan statistical areas, micropolitan statistical areas and counties that were among the fastest-growing last year were located in, or at least near, the Great Plains and West Texas.”

March 18, 2013

Range Challenges Township’s Marcellus Drilling Ban

In a challenge that could have repercussions in small towns across Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale, Range Resources on Tuesday filed an appeal of South Fayette Township’s ban on drilling in conservation areas and all residential zones, including suburban communities and rural farmland.

August 18, 2011

Auburn, NY, Votes to Ban Accepting Wastewater

The City Council of Auburn, NY, voted Thursday to stop accepting wastewater generated from hydraulic fracturing (fracking) at natural gas wells, ending more than a decade of the practice and eliminating a major source of revenue for the city.

July 12, 2011

Industry Brief

Duke Energy said Algonquin Gas Transmission is planning a new 3.5 mile, 18-inch diameter natural gas pipeline in the Cape Cod towns of Sandwich and Bourne, MA, to serve gas customer growth. “The Cape Cod Lateral will provide KeySpan with firm natural gas transportation service to continue reliably supplying the growing Cape Cod market,” said Bill Yardley, vice president, marketing, business development and customer service. The proposed pipeline and related facilities will provide KeySpan with 38,000 Dth/d of firm capacity under a 15-year agreement. “Over the past few years, we’ve experienced increased demand for natural gas on Cape Cod as more homeowners are catching onto the benefits of this clean and environmentally friendly heating fuel,” said Nicholas Stavropoulos, president of KeySpan Energy Delivery. “This project, if approved, will provide additional capacity and enable KeySpan to maintain system reliability and enhance delivery capability throughout the Cape Cod area.” An application for the expansion was filed April 21 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Service is expected in November 2007.

April 27, 2006

Williams Confirms Pipeline Breach in Washington State

Williams officials were responding Friday to a breach of a segment of its Northwest Pipeline located between the towns of Auburn and Sumner, WA. No fire or injuries were reported, a Williams announcement said.

May 5, 2003

Williams Confirms Pipeline Breach in Washington State

Williams officials were responding Friday to a breach of a segment of its Northwest Pipeline located between the towns of Auburn and Sumner, WA. No fire or injuries were reported, a Williams announcement said.

May 5, 2003

Enron Calls Mandatory Capacity Assignment Illegal

The states’ practice of mandating the assignment of LDC-heldupstream capacity to marketers as an “express condition” toallowing them or their customers access to an unbundled natural gasmarketplace flies in the face of antitrust laws and FERC’s gasrestructuring rule, contends Enron Corp.’s marketing arm.

March 22, 1999