
Interior Official Cites Cost Concerns With House OCS Bill

The Bush administration favors opening up additional oil and natural gas resources for development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and would support an “appropriately structured revenue-sharing” plan with energy-friendly coastal states, an Interior Department told a House committee Wednesday.

June 15, 2006

Dynegy Settles Two ‘Project Alpha’ Lawsuits

Dynegy Inc. on Friday reached a comprehensive settlement agreement related to two shareholder lawsuits over “Project Alpha,” a dubious structured natural gas transaction that ultimately helped force the resignation of founder and CEO Chuck Watson and was a factor in the company’s massive restructuring.

April 18, 2005

Dynegy Settles Two Shareholder Lawsuits Over ‘Project Alpha’

Dynegy Inc. on Friday reached a comprehensive settlement agreement related to two shareholder lawsuits over “Project Alpha,” a dubious structured natural gas transaction that ultimately helped force the resignation of founder and CEO Chuck Watson and was a factor in the company’s massive restructuring.

April 18, 2005

Industry Brief

Atlanta Gas Light Co. (AGLC) launched a pilot program inQuitman, GA, to help the city develop and implement a structuredprocess to enhance its 33-mile gas operating system. Quitman, acity of approximately 5,300 in Brooks County near Valdosta insoutheast Georgia, is not served by AGLC. Service, during the testperiod, is scheduled to begin May 1. AGLC will provide operationsmaintenance support, corrosion control, development of a workmanagement plan, and gas accountability. AGLC also will develop andmanage a compliance inspection plan, including an initial corrosionevaluation. AGLC inspected Quitman’s operations in February.

May 1, 2000