
Clean Fuel Transportation Still ‘Alive, Well’

While the economy continues to send shivers through various clean fuel sectors, California’s budding electric and natural gas transportation space remains healthy and optimistic, according to major utilities in the state. Several officials told NGI in January that both the infrastructure and the vehicles (dedicated and converted) are taking shape in the nation’s most automobile-dense state.

January 26, 2009

Clean Fuel Transportation Still ‘Alive, Well’

While the economy continues to send shivers through various clean fuel sectors, California’s budding electric and natural gas transportation space remains healthy and optimistic, according to major utilities in the state. They told NGI that both the infrastructure and the vehicles (dedicated and converted) are taking shape in the nation’s most automobile-dense state.

January 22, 2009

Kelliher: Energy Trading Vulnerable to Wall Street Woes

Wall Street’s credit influenza will send shivers through the energy patch before long, and the FERC is prepared, Commission Chairman Joseph Kelliher said Thursday. Meanwhile, financial markets continued triage, with players aligning to deliver life-giving capital transfusions to the stricken.

September 19, 2008

FERC Settlement Should Help Reliant on Pending CA Cases

What enouraged Wall Street sent shivers of skepticism through half-empty Sacramento political corridors last week in the wake of the largest settlement ever involving the allegations of western wholesale energy market manipulation.

October 6, 2003