
Pressure Pumper Party Still Going Strong, Say Analysts

Pressure pumping companies experienced a “monster” year in 2010 but even with new equipment being readied, demand is forecast to increase through the year, driven by growth in horizontal drilling and increased hydraulic fracturing (fracking) intensity, energy analysts said last week.

January 17, 2011

No Slowdown Seen for U.S. Pressure Pumpers

Pressure pumping companies experienced a “monster” year in 2010 but even with new equipment being readied, demand is forecast to increase through the year, driven by growth in horizontal drilling and increased hydraulic fracturing (fracking) intensity, energy analysts said Monday.

January 11, 2011

Eight Power Utilities Y2K Challenged, DOE Says

All eyes were on the electric utility industry yesterday as itreadied for the first industry-wide test of the preparedness of itscomputer systems for the transition to the year 2000. At the sametime, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson announced that eight majorelectric utilities still were either not Y2K ready or Y2K readywith limited exceptions. Also 16 municipal utilities and ruralcooperatives have yet to report on their Y2K progress to theAmerican Public Power Association and the National Rural ElectricCooperative Association.

September 9, 1999