
Transportation Notes

Florida Gas Transmission issued an Overage Alert Day notice with 10% tolerance for negative daily imbalances Tuesday. “Please be advised that FGT’s capacity is being fully utilized and with current events considered, there are reports that gas trading activities may be difficult,” the pipeline said in its bulletin board posting.

September 12, 2001

Transportation Notes

A day after warning that such action might be necessary, Florida Gas Transmission issued an Overage Alert Day notice Wednesday with 15% tolerance for negative daily imbalances.

September 6, 2001

Transportation Notes

Florida Gas Transmission ended an Overage Alert Day notice Saturday after it had been in effect since the previous Sunday (Aug. 26), but said yesterday a new OFO could become necessary as early as today.

September 5, 2001

Transportation Notes

Florida Gas Transmission extended an Overage Alert Day notice that had been issued Sunday through at least Monday’s gas day, but loosened the tolerance for negative daily imbalances from 10% to 15%.

August 28, 2001

Transportation Notes

Because of market area rain that eased a low-linepack condition, Florida Gas Transmission lifted Wednesday an Overage Alert Day notice that had declared Monday. An El Paso low-linepack OFO remained in effect.

August 23, 2001

Transportation Notes

Florida Gas Transmission extended an Overage Alert Day notice through at least Wednesday but loosened the tolerance for negative daily imbalances from 10% to 15%.

August 16, 2001

Transportation Notes

Florida Gas Transmission made it a full work week of OFOs by extending its Overage Alert Day notice that started last Monday through at least Friday. In Friday’s notice, the tolerance for negative daily imbalances was loosened once again from 10% to 15%.

August 13, 2001

Transportation Notes

Florida Gas Transmission extended an Overage Alert Day notice for its market area through at least Tuesday but loosened the tolerance for negative daily imbalances from 10% to 15%.

August 8, 2001

Transportation Notes

Florida Gas Transmission ended an Overage Alert Day notice Wednesday after it had been in effect for two days.

August 2, 2001

Transportation Notes

Florida Gas Transmission extended an Overage Alert Day notice through at least Tuesday, maintaining the tolerance for negative daily imbalances at 10%.

August 1, 2001