
Penn State Launches Marcellus Center

The Marcellus Shale is a lot to handle with its huge gas bounty, projected economic expansion, and attendant development issues, which can pit the energy industry, landowners, residents, politicians and others against one another. To smooth the path to Marcellus development in Pennsylvania, Penn State has formed the Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research (MCOR).

August 30, 2010

Penn State Launches Marcellus Center

The Marcellus Shale is a lot to handle with its huge gas bounty, projected economic expansion, and attendant development issues, which can pit the energy industry, landowners, residents, politicians and others against one another. To smooth the path to Marcellus development in Pennsylvania, Penn State has formed the Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research (MCOR).

August 20, 2010

Senate, House Again Debate Electric Power Restructuring

The heat wave and attendant electric and gas price spikes ofearly May have lit a fire under federal legislators, who may haveto answer to consumers this summer and constituents this fall as towhy the nation’s partially deregulated power industry isn’tworking.

May 22, 2000