Enable East MidDay Natural Gas Price Snapshot

Location: Enable East
Pointcode: MCWNORE
Region: Midcontinent
Avg. Price: x.xxx
Range: x.xxx
Volume: x.xxx
Deals: x.xxx
D/D Change: x.xxx
Y/Y Change: x.xxx
Want Historical Data? Check out Enable East in the Historical Data Download Tool. NGI offers Daily, Weekly, Bidweek, Forwards, Mexico, and MidDay Price Data at over 200 hubs/locations back as far as 1988.

Enable East Description: Our Enable East index includes deliveries into both the North and the Neutral (aka "Flex Pool") Pooling areas of the EGT system. The North Pooling Area includes all points in Arkansas along the EGT system that are north of the Malvern Compressor Station, the small lateral in Arkansas that runs south of Malvern in Arkansas and Desha Counties, and all points west of the Dunn Compressor Station up to but not including the beginning of the Neutral Pooling Area in Oklahoma. The Neutral Pool contains all points along CEGT in Pittsburg, Haskell, Latimer, and Pushmataha Counties in Oklahoma. We renamed this index Enable East from CenterPoint East in December 2013.
  • What do these prices represent?

    NGI’s MidDay Alert offers an early look at where next-day natural gas spot prices are headed, several hours before final next-day prices are published in the Daily GPI. These prices are composed solely of deals done on the Intercontinental Exchange and are released as early as 2:15 pm ET.