TransCanada Corp.‘s ANR Pipeline began a weeklong binding open season on Friday to support the reversal of its Southeast Main Line (SEML) from rate zone ML-3 to the ML-1 tariff rate zone near Eunice, LA. The SEML reversal project consists of up to 600,000 Dth/d of southbound firm capacity. The open season follows past successful ANR open seasons targeting the connection of burgeoning Utica/Marcellus shale supply to markets across ANR’s system. These include the pipeline’s Lebanon project (350,000 Dth/d); the fully subscribed Glen Karn project (133,673 Dth/d); and the open season for remaining SEML existing capacity, which closed on March 5 and will provide shippers with 646,000 Dth/d of capacity. ANR said it is in the process of refining its next wave of system expansions and market offerings, perhaps in combination of a new greenfield project out of the Utica Shale. Its intention is to have its next market offering shortly after the close of the SEML reversal open season.