Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth) has filed several natural gas-related bills to potentially be considered during the 82nd session of the Texas Legislature, which begins Jan. 11.

Davis said her legislation “will protect job creation in the Barnett Shale and support the positive impacts of natural gas drilling, while simultaneously focusing on the health and safety of those living near urban gas drilling.”

The senator’s SB 104 would place restrictions on the flaring of gas during well completion activities, requiring producers to “deliver all salable gas to a sales line as soon as the pressure of the gas at the wellhead is sufficient to permit the gas to flow into the line…”

Another piece of legislation, SB 105, would require that wells for the disposal of drilling waste be in the Ellenberger formation or deeper.

Davis also has introduced bills related to the funding of air quality monitoring activities (SB 102); the placement of water pipelines associated with drilling activities in state rights-of-way (SB 103); the exercise of eminent domain on municipal property by pipeline companies (SB 106); and the handling and repair of the most severe pipeline leaks by operators as well as inspections of affected pipeline by the Railroad Commission of Texas.

The Senate last year passed some legislation — related to rights-of-way and injection wells — that was similar to what Davis has introduced for the upcoming session (see Daily GPI, April 22, 2009). The senator has been a proponent of air emissions testing in the Barnett Shale region (see Daily GPI, Nov. 5, 2009).

The regular session ends May 30, 2011.